Friday, September 16, 2011

dental applications

i was not happy when i found out from the parent of a student that her child didnt bring home an application.  i gave her one and she turned it in.  in this instance papers for parents are usually sent home in folders, and she didnt get it.

last year i had 40 students receive services.  the minimum number of students needed to have the dentists show up was 12. 

i have been told by the company that this year the minimum is 30 students.  i have 6 applications.  i would hate to tell 20 parents that the dentist will not come because i dont have enough students for the dentist.

so if your students havent received the forms (k-12), please get them out.  if you have no forms please come to my office and i can print more.  if you have appllications left over, please leave them in my box in the office.

i know parents are interested in the program.  forty students is proof.  

please, ask students about their forms.  ask them to check their backpacks.  ask parents if they received them.

your help is greatly appreciated!

Friday, September 2, 2011

dental applications

Dental work is very important and very expensive. I have distributed forms in elementary and to class advisers in high school and left some in Ms. Sinclair's box for middle school.  All students can be seen even if they have no money.  The only reason a student would not be seen is because their  insurance is provider specific, or that they have been seen within 6 months prior to November 8th,  the day that they will arrive.  Exams will be done in the dining hall across the street.  You may turn in applications to the office to be put into my box, please.  I will accept applications until the Friday before Mobile Dentists arrive.

Thank you,